First, thank you to everyone who came and sampled the offerings for the inaugural Free Comic HALLOWEEN COMIC FEST for 2012! Due to the storm, we made the comics available beginning last Saturday, and still have some left. Many of the offerings are previews or new stories of previous publications, including the amazing COW BOY and AXE COP, so if you liked the free previews, let us know and we can order the original books!
We also want to thank the parents who brought their kids
in costume to make our first Halloween so awesome. Some of our junior cosplayers included:
Ali, A Buffalo Bill
Johan as Iron Man (aka "Tiny Stark")
Sara, as Minecraft's "Steve"
Ethan, aka "Link"
While the Buffalo Bill would be a good choice, based solely on the fact that it's a brave choice in the heart of Redskin country, our winner of the $10 GAME ON! Gift Certificate is...
(You have to admit, that goatee is a nice touch.)
Congrats to Johan and his folks, and thanks again to EVERYONE that came by. See you next Halloween! (Okay, hopefully before next year, but you know what I mean.)