Friday, March 30, 2012

Comic Review

COMIC Review
Avenging Spider-Man
Wow, what a refreshing read this was!
Avenging Spider-Man is on issue #5 but each issue is kind of a stand alone. It has the same flavor as Marvel Team Up. Each issue has Spider-Man working with other heroes, this one has him with Captain America.
What I really like about it is it's simplicity. It is well written by Zeb Wells and the artist is Leinil Francis Yu.
This simply is a story about Spider-Man trying to get "in" with Captain America. The actual "bad guy" in this comic really doesn't matter. This is more about the VERY FUNNY dialogue between Spider-Man and his friends.
The artistry is REALLY good! But the writing is what makes this issue. In the last few pages you really get a glimpse into the emotions of Spidey and Capt.
Enjoy this comic, admire the drawings, but allow it to show you a little about yourself in these two heroes.
I recommend this comic!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New this week:

All Star Western #7
Alpha Girl #2
Angel & Faith #8
Aquaman #7
Astonishing X-Men #48
Atomic Robo Real Science Adv #1
Avengers #24.1
Avengers Vs X-Men #0
Avenging Spider-Man #5
Batman #1 4th Ptg
Batman The Dark Knight #1 3rd Ptg
Batman The Dark Knight #7
Blackhawks #7
Bloodstrike #26
Blue Estate #10
BPRD Hell/Earth Pickens County Horror #1
Captain America And Bucky #628
Carbon Grey Origins #2 (L)
Charmed #20
Choker #6 (L)
Cobra Ongoing #11
Comic Shop News #1293
Comic Shop News Spring 2012 Preview
Crossed Badlands #2
Daken Dark Wolverine #23 (L)
Daredevil #10
Dark Tower Gunslinger Way Station #4
Deadpool Max 2 #6 (L)
Elephantmen #38
FF #16
Flash #7
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4
Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #7
GFT Myths & Legends #14
Ghost Rider #9 (L)
GI Joe 2 Retaliation Movie Prequel #3
Green Hornet #23
Green Lantern New Guardians #7
Grimm Fairy Tales #70
Hawken #3
Hellraiser #12
I Vampire #7
Immortal Demon I/T Blood #4 (L)
Infestation 2 GI Joe #2 (L)
Justice League Dark #7
King Conan Phoenix On The Sword #3
Legion Secret Origin #6 (L)
Magic The Gathering #3
Marvel Previews April 2012
Mighty Thor #12
Moon Knight #11
Morning Glories #17
New Avengers #23
New Deadwardians #1
Previews #283 April 2012
Savage Hawkman #7
Scalped #57
Spaceman #5
Star Trek Ongoing #7
Star Wars Dawn/Jedi Force Storm #0 2nd Pt
Star Wars Dawn/Jedi Force Storm #1 2nd Pt
Superman #7
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #73
Teen Titans #7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8
Transformers Robots In Disguise Ongoing #3
Twelve #11
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #8
Uncanny X-Force #23
Unwritten #35.5
Voltron #4
Voodoo #7
Walking Dead #95
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #11
Warriors Of Mars #2
X-Men Legacy #264


Dorothy Of Oz Prequel #1
Futurama Comics #60
Life With Archie #18
Roger Langridges Snarked #6
Spider-Man #24 (L)


Annihilators Earthfall TP
Deadpool TP Vol 8 Operation Annihilation
Fear Itself Dracula Prem HC
MMW Avengers TP Vol 4
Rachel Rising TP Vol 1 Shadow Of Death
Secret Avengers Run Mission HC
Ultimate Comics X-Men By Spencer HC Vol 1
Wolverine And Nick Fury: Scorpio TP

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New stuff this week 3-21-12

Amazing Spider-Man #682
Anita Blake Circus Damned Scoundrel #5 (L)
Army Of Darkness Ongoing #2
Avengers Prelude Fury’s Big Week #2
Avengers X-Sanction #4 (L)
Batman #7 (Combo Pack Available)
Batman Beyond Unlimited #2
Batman Odyssey Vol 2 #6
Birds Of Prey #7
Blue Beetle #7
BPRD Hell On Earth Long Death #2
Captain Atom #7
Catwoman #7
Comic Shop News #1292
Dark Horse Presents #10
Darkness #101
DC Universe Online Legends #26
DC Universe Presents #7
Dead Mans Run #2
Deadpool #52
Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child #1
Dr Who Magazine #444
Fables #115
Fathom Vol 4 #5
Fear Itself Fearless #11
Formic Wars Silent Strike #4
Generation Hope #17
God Project (John Saul) #1
Goon #38
Green Lantern Corps #7
Grimm Fairy Tales #69
Grimm FT Alice In Wonderland #3
Grimm FT Jungle Book #1
Hack Slash #14
Haunt #22
Heart #4 (L)
Hellblazer #289
Hoax Hunters #0
Infestation 2 TMNT #2 (L)
Infinite Vacation #4
Invincible Iron Man #514
John Carter Gods Of Mars #1
Justice League #7 (Combo Pack Avail.)
Kick-Ass 2 #7 (7)
Kirby Genesis Silver Star #4
Legion Of Super Heroes #7
Memorial #4
Mighty 7 (Stan Lee’s) #1
Monocyte #3
New Mutants #39
Nightwing #7
No Place Like Home #2
Peter Panzerfaust #1 2nd Ptg
Planet Of The Apes #12
Prophet #23
Ragemoor #1
Rebel Blood #1
Red Hood And The Outlaws #7
Road Rage (Stephen King & Joe Hill) #2
Robocop Road Trip #4
Rocketeer Adventures 2 #1
Sixth Gun #20
Smoke And Mirrors #1
Snake Eyes Ongoing #11
Star Trek Legion Of Superheroes #6 (L)
Star Wars Dawn O/T Jedi Force Storm #2
Steed And Mrs Peel #3
Strange Talent Of Luther Strode #6 (L)
Super Dinosaur #9
Supercrooks #1
Supergirl #7
Thunder Agents Vol 2 #5
Thunderbolts #171
Uncanny X-Men #9
Vampirella #15
Witchblade #154
Wolverine #303
Wonder Woman #7
X-Factor #233
Zorro Rides Again #9


Peanuts #3
Tiny Titans #50 (L)
Young Justice #14


Avengers Road To Marvel Avengers TP
Axe Cop TP Vol 3
Green Lantern Chronicles TP Vol 4
Journey Into Mystery Fear Itself Fallout HC
Marvel Firsts 1970s TP Vol 2
Star Wars Omnibus: Other Sons Of Tatooine
Venom By Rick Remender TP Vol 1
X-Men First To Last TP


Recently, writer Mark Waid caused a bit of a firestorm in the comics community when he mentioned that he was selling his comic book collection.  Waid wants to sell his collection to fund a private project that will be exclusively digital.

Digital comics are far from completely replacing paper hard copies of comics.  However, their accessibility on tablets and even phones can only be good for the comics industry.  The brick-and-mortar comic shop is not going away any time soon, for the simple reason that collectors can't thumb through a digital collection with the same feelings of satisfaction the way they can through a long box.

Digital can only help the comics industry because now folks not normally inclined to read a comic book might just download an IRON MAN or BATMAN comic after the movies to check it out.  If one out of every five folks that sample a comic digitally decide to step foot into a comic shop, it's a win for us retailers.

In his comments at WonderCon about his decision underscored this, and his desire to grow digital comics in the right way to help the overall comics industry grow.  (Read about the Waid panel here:  )

Waid was pretty clear that his decision to sell off his collection was not a blanket dismissal of the print medium.  If that were true, would he continue to write DAREDEVIL, ROCKETEER, and his own print books IRREDEEMABLE and INCORRUPTIBLE?  Doubtful.  Waid is simply adapting to a new storytelling method, just as folks in Hollywood had to do when television emerged as a popular new method of telling stories.

That firestorm I mentioned at the top?  Mostly because of one shop in Florida.  Many have expressed their displeasure with Waid, but a shop in Florida went so far as to ban Waid's books, including the latest iteration of DAREDEVIL, which has quickly rocketed to the A-list of Marvel's monthlies.

The owner of Coliseum in Florida wrote in reaction to Waid's announcement:
So here’s my deal. I haven’t promoted anything by Mark in some time due to his vociferousness against print comics. Now I will actively be letting customers know that his work isn’t welcome in my stores. Movie stars, rock stars, and comic creators only have a soapbox because of their successes. I won’t help contribute to any success that will be turned against me. And no, I see no difference between a creator owned Image book or a relaunch of a major character from Marvel or DC. I have 1000 other creators who I can support so even tanking a big character book won’t impact my bottom line significantly.

I don't buy that last line at all.  Waid is a fantastic writer (pun intended), and has a long history of creating great stories for characters long-established at the big two as well as his own creations.  Waid has enough fans that will take notice when a store decides to stop carrying the offerings of one writer, especially when he writes a best-selling Marvel book.  Customers will start looking to other stores to keep getting their Waid-written books, and there's a reasonable chance that those subscribers will simply stop going to Coliseum entirely when it becomes inconvenient to go to more than one shop on a regular basis.

Where would you rather go - two shops because a few of your favorite books are not available at your regular shop, or a new shop willing to carry all the books you want no matter if they agree with a writer's politics?

Let me reiterate that Waid never said that print was dead, or that he was only going to produce digital comics.  Waid is simply going to try and figure out what the new way to tell these stories will be.  He will be at the forefront of this new storytelling movement and not trying to catch up when it's too late.

The biggest thing about this story that I find so unfathomable is that a store owner would willingly cut off a supply line for his customers over a difference of opinion, particularly when that opinion was developed without quality research.

Every one of our loyal customers counts on us to get them every comic they want to read, and help them discover new stories and storytellers.  Ours in not to alienate them by denying them the one thing they come to us to find: a few minutes of entertainment and escape from the craziness of the world.

Our customers don't care if one of us disagrees with a certain comics creator on which Science Fiction series is the best or if color books are better than black and white.  It doesn't matter.  We have one common goal: grow the industry.  If you are willing to reduce your customer base solely on the basis of a petty disagreement, then you probably shouldn't be in sales.

We wish Waid all the best in his venture, and we will continue to support his continued print work.  Also, just know that we at GAME ON! will never allow an uninformed decision to get in the way of what we strive to do better than anyone else: getting you your comics.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Comics: 3-7-12

30 Days Of Night Ongoing #5
Action Comics #7
Action Comics #7 Combo Pack
Age Of Apocalypse #1
Amazing Spider-Man #681
Animal Man #7
Avengelyne #7
Avengers Academy #27
Avengers Childrens Crusade #9 (L)
Batwing #7
Beyond The Fringe #1
Boys #64
Charismagic #5
Comic Shop News #1290
Dc Universe Online Legends #25
Dead Or Alive #2
Defenders #4
Detective Comics #7
Dicks #2
Doctor Who Classics Series IV #2
Fairest #1
Fatale #3
Fear Itself Fearless #10
Ferals #3
Gi Joe A Real American Hero #176
Gi Joe Vol 2 Ongoing #11
Green Arrow #7
Hawk And Dove #7
Hell Yeah #1
Honey Badger Adventures #1
Hulk #49
Huntress #6 (L)
Infestation 2 TMNT #1
Irredeemable #35
Izombie #23
Jennifer Blood (Garth Ennis’) #10
Justice League International #7
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #4
Lone Ranger #3
Magdalena #11
Manhattan Projects #1
Marvels Avengers Prelude Fury’s Big Week #1
Men Of War #7
Mice Templar Vol 3 #8
Next Men Aftermath #41
Night Force #1
Omac #7
Rachel Rising #6
Red Lanterns #7
Salems Daughter Haunting #5
Spawn #217
Star Wars Crimson Empire III Empire Lost #5
Static Shock #7
Stitched #3
Stormwatch #7
Supernatural #6 (L)
Supurbia #1
Swamp Thing #7
Sweet Tooth #31
Thor Deviants Saga #5 (L)
True Blood French Quarter #6 (L)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #8
Uncanny X-Men #8
Valen Outcast #4
Vampirella Vs Dracula #2
Venom #14
Villains For Hire #4 (L)
Wheel Of Time Eye O/T World (R. Jordan) #22
Winter Soldier #3
Wolverine #302
Wolverine And X-Men: Alpha & Omega #3
Wulf #5
X-Club #4
X-Men #26


Adventure Time #1 2nd Ptg
Scooby Doo Where Are You #19
Star Wars Clone Wars YR 7 Enemy Within
Toy Story #1


Flashpoint TPB
Ghostbusters Ongoing TPB Vol 01
Hellboy TPB Vol 12 The Storm & The Fury


Marvel Universe AF Asst 201109